13/10/19 : Mumbai - Jamnagar

13/10/19 : Mumbai ->Jamnagar

Our trip was planned two months in advance and we done our train ticket booking by Saurashtra Janata Express departing for 13th Oct at 1710 hours from Bandra Terminus. It was planned that Self along-with my husband Frankie, my son Kern, my daughter in law Raksha and my grandson Veer would be going for this trip. Kern and Raksha had been there before 6 years ago and after hearing about the fish sanctuary, walking through the marshy coral reefs, touching the fishes and corals and I wanted to see it.

We all were excited about the trip but our little fellow was over excited and jumping up and down, waiting when we would be going by train. All packed we left by Uber to Bandra Terminus, through the congested Bandra area, and reached the station. We had to cart our luggage to the platform and waited for the train to arrive/open the compartment. Our Hero Vir was wanting to jump in first but we had to restrain him

We had berth for ourselves and it was comfortable journey and we had our Vir for company who was jumping up and down, wanting to play, read books and play cards. We went to sleep, inspite Vir not wanting


  1. Always goo to have kids...boost the spirits of the older generation.
    Good family trip


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