16/10/19 : Narara Marine National Park

16/10/19 : Narara Marine National Park

We got up early and carried packed breakfast from our hotel. Narara sanctuary is about 22 kms from Jamnagar. When we reached there, the office was not opened, and we had wait to pay the fee and the guide to take to fish sanctuary. We sat on the benches over there and had our picnic breakfast. It was cool in the morning. Our guide turned up who took us walking across the marshy land. We were told to floaters/crocs, so that the rocks and the corals would not cut our feet. The tide was low and so we had 3-4 hours’ time to explore before the high tide turns the water in.

We walked about 1 km before we got the wet marshy land. It was such wide open space with water around our feet. As we walked our guide knew where these animals were hiding. He would pick up rocks and underneath it show the crabs or corals.

Our guide would delicately catch the star fish, octopus or moon coral and give it in our hand and then tell us to delicately return it back to its place.

It was fun to see him chase and catch the Puffer fish and allowed us to catch it.  Later we released it back into watch and it was fun to watch swimming away. Even Vir dared to catch some creatures in his hands.

We were able to catch sea cucumber, star fish, octopus and even crabs in our hand.  He showed us sea anemone spreading itself but you touch and it disappears in the sand.  We got to see a lot of fresh and dried corals in the water. It was a lovely experience for us.

16/10/19 : Narara Marine National Park

Presents a wonderful opportunity to see corals as the tide ebbs at the shore.

Jamnagar has the Countrys first Marine National Park, since 1982. This is one of the rare places in the world where one can look at corals without having to dive down into the water.

One just has to walk in the water, when tide ebbs, in about 1 to 2 feet of water and watch this fascinating underwater world of corals.

162.89 Square Kilometers of Marine National Park and 457.92 Square Kilometers of Marine Sanctuary in the Gulf of Kutch at Jamnagar offers exotic sightings for people willing to go on an adventure trip in this area. In the Gulf of Kutch, there are 42 islands, out of which 33 islands have coral reef. There are islands with sandy beaches and mangrove swamps. These islands are a treasure-trove of marine species and a paradise for birdwatchers.

The Marine National Park & Sanctuary has coral reefs, mangroves, sea-grass beds, mudflats, network of creeks and other ecosystems which supports rich marine life & bird life. Here one has chance to spot octopus, puffer fish, sea turtles, lobsters, crabs, dolphins, ray fishes, jelly fish, star fish, sea anemones, colourful corals, exotic marine flowering plants, etc. And if one is very very lucky then maybe dugong which resembles seal. Of the 42 islands, the most popular island is Pirotan (old name is "Pir jo sthaan" meaning the resting place of the holy Saint Khwaja Khizer Rahmatullahi Alayh).

The reef at Narara is like Pirotan with similar marine life and birds.. Most people do coral walking at Narara only, as not every time one can reach Jamnagar on the favourable dates to visit Pirotan.

One can just drive to Narara, which is about 60 KMS from Jamnagar towards Dwarka; for doing the "Coral Walk" without sailing to the Islands.

We have to consider the following points with regards to visiting Narara:

The Coral walk is done in the dry spell between 2 high tides.. Generally it takes 3 and half hours for tide to reach the highest point at Narara on any given day.. and same time is taken for the ebb.. 

  • A coral walk of about 5 kilometers in the reef generally takes about 3 to 4 hours.
  • For visiting Narara, one has to take permit from Forest Dept
  • Permit to be obtained on the spot at Narara itself.
  • Forest Dept. has kept guides at Narara and one may be got there after paying Rs. 300.
  • For doing the coral walk, its advised to wear thick soled shoes (old sports shoes or crocs), because some places in the reef are sharp.
It was hot, sunny, and humid, after walking more than 3 kms, Vir got tired and was asking to carry him. So, we decided to return back, carrying Vir on Kern’s back and again walking nearly 4 kms back to our car.

We returned to our hotel where Raksha and Vir wanted to rest and have room service. We went out and had a lovely lunch at Chilya hotel near our place, where we got tandoori dishes and Mughlai dishes with Nan. It was yummy.

Evening we got out early to visit Lakota Lake Kothi again, so that we could enter the Palace itself, before closing time. We went around exploring the beautiful palace and the Museum. Inside they had a big skeleton of a whale enclosed in glass case. We were not allowed to take pictures inside. It was lovely to view the Lake from top floor of the Palace, see the Migratory birds sitting in the lake. We walked out and explored around.

We went around also visited a Crematorium on our way, where we saw panels of Ramayan displayed on the wall. It had a different atmosphere where people were sitting around, walking and praying too.

World Famous Adarsh Smashan of Jamnagar.
The Adarsh Smashan (Manekbai Sukhdham) of Jamnagar is well-known as holy and motivating place all over the world, since a Century Crematorium of Jamnagar run by Shri Samaj Sevak Mahavir Dal’s Samsan Vyavsatha Committee  The Adarsh Smashan is establish in 4 Acer land with different Facilities like Antim Yatra Bus, Puspanjali Dwaar, Electric crematory furnace, Traditional Antim Sanskar and latest facilities with Snan Gruh. There are Prarthna hall, Garden and effigies of great Saints to console the hundred participants.

The Adarsh Smashan is idealistic because it is solely managed by Private Trust with Contribution and co-operation of Public. The Volunteers of the trust have shouldered their responsibility and Vowed to make it well equipped and expand its facilities.

We then went and explored the city at night, we were dropped at the market place and did shopping for knick knacks.  Jamnagar is famous  tie and dye/bandani clothes, kurtas and saris and silver ware. We returned back in rickshaw, where passengers could sit in the back too.  So all five returned back in one rickshaw.

At the hotel we went and met Mr. Mustak, the Owner of Hotel President in his cabin.  We had a lovely time talking with him.  He is avid environmentalist and all crazy about fishes and birds and he loves to talk about it and also his efforts are for preserving their sanctuaries.  Whenever he is free, he off to explore and conduct camps and seminar on these subjects. 

We then went  and had our dinner in the hotel and went to sleep early as we had to get up early again for our next trip.


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